MAI: What do you remember about your experience at LittWorld 10 years ago?

Daniel: LittWorld 2002 was an exciting experience for me. It had a significant impact on my life as publisher. It was helpful to get connected with publishers from different parts of the world who shared similar challenges and to learn from them. The level of professional experience among the workshop leaders and speakers helped equip me to grow in my role. It was a life changing experience. I give thanks to LittWorld for providing such a wonderful opportunity that confirmed and shaped my calling to publishing ministry.  Since my participation, I keep encouraging people to attend LittWorld.

Daniel Bourdanné is the head of IFES, the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. A native of Chad, he previously directed an IFES-related publishing house in Cote d’Ivoire. Daniel will be speaking at LittWorld 2012 on what the world’s students want to read and why. We hope you’ll enjoy this pre-conference interview with Daniel… 

– Media Associates International

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